a woman smiles during a conference meeting.

Important Components of a Dynamic Business English Curriculum

Aug 4, 2023

A dynamic Business English curriculum is at the heart of any effective corporate language training program. The curriculum should ensure comprehensive language development and opportunities for the practical application of skills that will be used in a professional context. While some aspects of the curriculum will vary depending on the context of the learner and the industry, some important components should be part of any effective Business English curriculum.

Bridge’s language program solutions are personalized and flexible, but the core skills required for effective language training remain the same. Language training should be customized to meet the needs of learners at different English proficiency levels, in different industries, and with different job-skill requirements. Effective needs analyses and consultations will identify specific goals and objectives. A dynamic curriculum will incorporate the key components of an effective Business English curriculum while remaining continuously relevant as industries, technologies, and practices evolve over time.

Let’s look at 10 important components of an effective Business English curriculum.

Read about the drivers behind successful curricula development in Debunking the Methodology Myth: Effective Business English Learning Practices.

1. Business vocabulary

Any industry has business-specific jargon. Business vocabulary enables individuals to effectively communicate in a professional setting. It includes industry-specific terms, jargon, and expressions that are commonly used in business contexts. For example, finance, marketing, and human resources each have different workplace English.

Having a strong business vocabulary allows company employees to express their ideas clearly, understand others, and actively participate in meetings, negotiations, and presentations.

Learn about ways companies can provide support for their English language learners.

two professionals standing outside having a conversation.
Communication encompasses many skills, but speaking and reading are often particularly important focuses for students of Business English.

2. Business communication skills

Whether communication is internal or external, written or oral, communication skills are an essential part of Business English communication. Effective communication is a key factor in professional success, regardless of the industry or field.

In a business context, communication skills are essential for building strong relationships, establishing credibility, conveying information accurately, resolving conflicts, and achieving organizational goals. Therefore, a Business English curriculum should prioritize the development of communication skills relevant to job and industry-specific needs.

Strong communication skills are also very important for successful leadership and teamwork. Leaders need to communicate their vision, motivate team members, delegate tasks, and provide constructive feedback. Collaboration within company teams relies on clear and open communication channels.

Read about five reasons your English language program and company culture should align.

3. Business etiquette

In multinational companies, understanding business etiquette in the context of cultural norms and expectations is very important. Business etiquette refers to the social norms, behaviors, and practices expected in professional settings. It encompasses a wide range of skills, including communication, networking, professional appearance, cultural sensitivity, and business ethics. These are key for conducting successful negotiations, making persuasive presentations, and building strong business relationships.

In addition, an English language program curriculum can also cover aspects such as personal branding, professional appearance, and even grooming. Applying these skills contributes to creating a positive impression, projecting a sleek image, and enhancing a company employee’s personal and corporate brand.

Learn about eight compelling reasons to invest in language training for non-native employees.

two colleagues sitting at a round table, working on laptops.
Business writing is an important element of an effective Business English curriculum, preparing students for tasks that will require written expression of thoughts and ideas.

4. Business writing

English for business goes beyond teaching employees how to write professional documents such as reports, proposals, and resumes. Business writing often involves persuading others, whether it’s to secure a deal, convince stakeholders, or propose new ideas. Effective writing skills help professionals express their thoughts persuasively, leading to desired outcomes.

English is the lingua franca for international communication. Clear and concise writing ensures that messages are understood by a diverse audience across different cultural backgrounds.

Read about Teacher Experience Manager, Karina Zew, who provides training and support for Bridge’s global team of Business English teachers.

5. Business listening and comprehension

Communication is not a one-way street, and that means understanding a customer or client’s needs and expectations is also a crucial skill that should be part of an effective Business English curriculum. Effective listening skills allow professionals to gather relevant information, address any concerns, and provide appropriate solutions, leading to better client and customer relations.

A complete Business English curriculum will incorporate active listening skills to also help employees understand instructions, feedback, and suggestions from company team members. This, in turn, fosters cooperation, prevents miscommunication, and promotes a positive working environment.

Learn how Bridge’s ISO 9001 certification ensures language program quality and efficiency.

6. Business negotiations

English for business should teach employees the vocabulary and strategies for conducting successful negotiations. Including the art of negotiation in a Business English curriculum allows learners to practice and develop the skills required for practical interactions.

However, negotiating can be challenging and requires confidence. So, by providing negotiation opportunities in the curriculum, Business English students can practice and gain confidence in their abilities, preparing them for real-world business scenarios. Negotiations require effective communication, including listening, speaking, and understanding the nuances of language. By incorporating negotiation scenarios into the curriculum, learners can also enhance their overall business communication skills.

Bridge’s language program solutions include monthly English roundtable workshops that combine different Business English learners at the same English proficiency levels to practice skills such as this. It’s particularly helpful for students who may be taking private courses, as they are able to practice conversational skills with others. Led by trainers, students are given role-play tasks or projects to complete, which provides opportunities to build language skills that include reading, writing, speaking, and listening as well as organizational skills such as collaboration, leadership, and problem-solving.

Learn more about how Bridge’s course materials are selected for specific students and company cohorts, with curricula designed around authentic tasks.

a woman standing at the head of a conference table performing a presentation for colleagues.
Because performing presentations is a common task of employees in many industries, curricula that incorporates the skills needed to master this task and build confidence is essential.

7. Business presentations

Presenting in front of an audience can be daunting, but with practice, learners can build confidence in their speaking abilities. Including presentations in a Business English curriculum provides learners with opportunities to overcome stage fright, improve public speaking skills, and develop self-confidence.

Delivering a well-structured and engaging presentation is also a hallmark of professionalism in the business world. By incorporating business presentations in the English curriculum, company employees can develop the necessary skills to deliver impactful presentations, creating a positive impression on clients, colleagues, and other stakeholders.

Read about essential eLearning platform features for Business English courses.

8. Business cultural awareness

As previously mentioned, English is the language of international communication. In today’s globalized business environment, intercultural competence is vital. Business English curricula should incorporate cultural awareness training to help learners understand and navigate cultural differences in communication styles, etiquette, and business practices.

To excel in the global market, professionals must understand cultural influences on consumer behavior, market preferences, and business practices. A dynamic curriculum that incorporates cultural awareness equips Business English students with insights into international markets, enabling them to tailor their products, services, and marketing strategies to specific cultural contexts.

Furthermore, each culture has its own set of taboos, sensitive topics, and behavioral norms. Without cultural awareness, English learners may unknowingly commit a faux pas, leading to embarrassment, and even loss of business. By incorporating cultural awareness into the curriculum, Business English students can come to understand these sensitivities and adapt their behavior accordingly.

Learn about Bridge’s community of teachers who support the growing use of global English with its wealth of diverse accents, dialects, and cultures.

a man sitting and working intently on his laptop.
Using correct grammar in written communication is an essential skill, as it helps learners convey their ideas accurately and professionally, avoiding misinterpretation or confusion.

9. Business grammar

Business grammar is important as it’s tied to vocabulary, writing style, presentation skills, and cross-cultural communication. Business grammar ensures that written and spoken messages are clear, concise, and professional. It helps learners convey their ideas accurately and professionally, avoiding misinterpretation or confusion.

In Business English, even minor errors can change the meaning of a sentence, resulting in confusion, potential conflicts, or missed opportunities. By focusing on business grammar, the chances of such miscommunication are minimized.

Read about how native language, instructional methods, learning environment, and other factors influence how long it takes to learn a language.

10. Business reading

An effective Business English curriculum should encourage employees to read articles and any additional materials to improve their reading comprehension skills. This helps students understand and interpret various types of business texts, such as emails, reports, memos, and financial statements in English. Strong reading skills enable company employees to comprehend complex information, extract key details, and then respond appropriately.

Reading relevant related books, articles, and journals also fosters continuous professional development. It allows students to explore different topics, gain new insights, and expand their knowledge base.

Bridge partners with top publishers and content providers to provide students with relevant topics of study, coupled with authentic resources. The Bridge learning platform provides online learning, class and teacher scheduling, video conferencing, and access to all learning materials, creating a flexible, personalized learning environment.

These ten components guarantee a Business English curriculum that is very complete but also adaptable to student and company needs. A dynamic Business English curriculum should incorporate current trends and developments in the business world to ensure language learners are well-prepared for the demands of the professional environment.

Learn how Bridge’s Language Performance Indicators (LPI) dashboard provides learning analytics and program data necessary to ensure effective progress tracking and program management.

Rashmi Chugani

A Rashmi le encanta la cultura y espera poder recorrer el mundo algún día. Las noticias y la actualidad son su segundo amor, después del café.