A group of people sitting around a wooden table using laptops, tablets, and smartphones. The image includes a network diagram overlay with interconnected user icons, symbolizing communication and collaboration.

News and Resources

Important Components of a Dynamic Business English Curriculum

Important Components of a Dynamic Business English Curriculum

A dynamic Business English curriculum is at the heart of any effective corporate language training program. The curriculum should ensure comprehensive language development and opportunities for the practical application of skills that will be used in a professional...

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6 Ways to Personalize Corporate Language Training

6 Ways to Personalize Corporate Language Training

Your team has taken the major step of investing in an English language training program. As a team leader, your focus will be the efficacy of the program on every level. From cost savings to team morale, tailoring the learning approach for your employees has many...

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Essential eLearning Platform Features for Business English

Essential eLearning Platform Features for Business English

From immersive experiences to micro-learning through apps, the Information Age has radically changed how employees take Business English or English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses. With the myriad of tool suites and eLearning platforms available, teachers and...

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8 Benefits of English Language Learning for Companies

The English language is spoken by nearly 2 billion people worldwide, making it the most widely spoken language in the world. There are many benefits of English language learning for companies. The ubiquity of English makes it a natural choice for global business...

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Corporate English Training and Assessments

Corporate English Training and Assessments

Does your business operate overseas, employ non-native English speakers, or have multinational clients? If any of these descriptors apply to your firm, then Business English training and assessments should be a major component of your corporate training program. From...

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