colleagues high five in front of a poster of brainstorming notes.

5 Reasons Your English Language Program and Company Culture Should Align

Jun 9, 2023

The foundation of any company is its workforce and a company’s culture is the glue that holds them together. There are many reasons your company’s English language program and company culture should align. Company culture is a reflection of a company’s values and mission, and language training of employees is an opportunity to improve culture alignment among staff as well as a company’s reputation.

Take a moment to reflect on the core values of your company. Do you place an emphasis on teamwork? Diversity? In what ways do the tasks of your employees reflect the company values and mission? Consider the ways language learning training methods and resources can be tailored to reflect the types of tasks and interactions your employees need to master to reflect your company’s culture. Here are five reasons your English language program and company culture should align.

1. Communicating core values to employees

Incorporating the company’s values and mission into your program can help employees better understand the expectations of the employer. Is the goal to improve every customer interaction? Is your team focused on expanding into new international markets? Some contemporary core values can include the following:

  • Collaboration
  • Inclusivity
  • Innovation
  • Integrity
  • Customer commitment

If your employees know why they’re committing to a learning program, they’re much more likely to be invested. The commitment to core values shows a dedication to the company mission, making these values a tangible motivator. Core values aren’t just for employees and staff. The high ethics a firm devotes itself to is a significant differentiator in any market. Today’s consumers are informed, proactive, and have the ability to research their options independently. Your core values are more than just what your company stands for – they’re how you set yourself apart.

2. Improving productivity and job satisfaction

Incorporating the company’s values and mission into the program can help employees understand how their work contributes to the overall goals of the organization. This understanding will lead to higher productivity and overall job satisfaction. The inclusion of a language program will likely be daunting for employees. A language program can be seen by staff as an additional task rather than an opportunity for personal growth. By tying the company’s mission directly to the goals of the learning program, employees will see the course for what it is: a means of lifelong improvement for their professional and personal lives.

Management and Human Resource teams can communicate this importance through memos, office hours where employees can ask questions, all-hands meetings for entire teams, and a portal for electronic communication regarding job satisfaction related to the learning program. Leading by example and living the company values will be a strong unifying element as you integrate a language learning program.

The BridgeEnglish language program Language Performance Indicator dashboard provides insights into employees’ engagement and program satisfaction.

employees sitting at a conference table watch a large, shared monitor.
If your company values collaboration and synergy, your language learning program should reflect that. These core values can be applied with opportunities for students to work on projects and form discussion groups during lessons.

3. Practicing application of core values in job-specific tasks

Aligning the training program with the company culture ensures the training materials and delivery methods are relevant and effective. For example, if the company values collaboration, the program should incorporate collaborative activities, such as group projects and discussion activities to reinforce those values. While this may seem simple and straightforward, many industry-standard programs are static. The ideal language program can be tailored to fit specific corporate needs, focusing on the ideals, values, and concepts your firm represents.

Identifying what kind of program your company needs is an involved and important process. From program alignment with L&D efforts to program and data analytics and performance measurement, a targeted approach to choosing a language learning program will ensure your major investment reflects your commitment to your firm’s core values.

4. Improving company reputation through employee representation

An English language program that aligns with core values will help ensure employees are prepared to represent the company outside of the classroom and office. Meetings with clients, partners, and stakeholders are opportunities to reflect the company values of professionalism, integrity, and accountability. BridgeEnglish language programs also emphasize clear communication, cultural respect, and the need to embrace lifelong learning.

If you already have a corporate language program, consider conducting a yearly program audit to ensure that the program aligns with your corporate values and is teaching relevant and updated content to your employees.

Company-wide reflection of core values in employee communications will improve client and stakeholder relationships that pay dividends, from the marketplace to the boardroom.

a woman smiles while standing next to a whiteboard she has been writing on.
Investment in a language program that aligns with company culture shows investment in employees’ successes.

5. Showing company commitment to employees, values, and mission

Lastly, when employees see that company values are more than words on paper, they’ll invest more into their work, promoting intrinsic motivation. Continued investment into employees’ successes create a healthy symbiotic relationship that results in steady long term growth for the company, as employee retention rates rise and a positive company reputation draws top talent. With the right assessments and metrics tracking, you’ll be able to track learner progress and return on your investment.

Your workforce is your most powerful tool for growth, expansion, and long-term viability. Investing in a language program that aligns with company culture will expand your employees’ horizons and empower them to grow personally and professionally.

Learn more about BridgeEnglish language program solutions that are tailored to company needs and goals.

Savannah Potter

Savannah is a freelance writer with over a decade of experience as a content creator, editor, and journalist. Currently specializing in culture writing with a focus on the digital nomad revolution, she enjoys finding where culture, business, and technology meet. "Early adopter, coffee aficionado, people person."