A person is taking notes while attending an online meeting or class on a laptop. There are notebooks and a pen beside them. The screen displays a woman speaking. On the left, there is a graphic of a checklist, a computer, and a user profile icon.
Our Solutions

Language Assessment

Trusted, reliable and recognized tests track your progress

Bridge offers two verified solutions that provide language learners with the insights they need to best understand their current level and to set realistic learning objectives.

Tests offered by Bridge include business English-specific exams, as well as general and academic English assessments.

A digital certificate for Manuel Albornoz displaying a B2 level of English proficiency according to CEFR standards. The certificate shows proficiency bars for pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, and task achievement. Badges and icons surround the certificate.
An image features the Pearson logo and the text “Level Test by Pearson.” It shows a couple of printed papers labeled "Level Test" and includes an icon with a checklist and a clock, symbolizing the test components.
An image features the Pearson logo and the text “Level Test by Pearson.” It shows a couple of printed papers labeled "Level Test" and includes an icon with a checklist and a clock, symbolizing the test components.
An image displaying the Versant by Pearson English Certificate logo. The Versant logo features sound waves next to the word "VERSANT." The certificate includes icons representing speech, listening, reading, and typing, with the Pearson logo at the top right.

Why Choose LinguaLevel?

Discover the Future of Language Testing

LinguaLevel, Bridge’s AI-Powered English Proficiency Assessment Test is a revolutionary AI-driven English proficiency assessment tool that provides accurate, unbiased, and comprehensive evaluation of speaking skills.

Unbiased AI Evaluation

Our advanced AI algorithms eliminate human bias, ensuring every candidate receives a fair, objective assessment based solely on their language skills.

Comprehensive Skill Analysis

LinguaLevel provides in-depth evaluation of key speaking competencies including pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, and task achievement.

Flexible and Convenient

Candidates can take the LinguaLevel test anytime, anywhere, using just a computer with a microphone and internet connection. No scheduling constraints or travel required.

Instant Detailed Feedback

Upon test completion, LinguaLevel provides immediate, detailed performance feedback highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.

Accurate Proficiency Leveling

LinguaLevel’s AI engine accurately predicts a candidate’s CEFR level and provides estimated scores for popular tests like TOEFL and IELTS.

Cost and Time Efficient

By automating the assessment process, LinguaLevel saves organizations significant time and money compared to traditional interview methods.

Unlock the Power of Fair, Accurate English Assessment with LinguaLevel


The test assesses all four language skills in 30 minutes. Results are delivered in just 20 minutes.

Quick and straightforward to use, Level Test helps start learning quickly and smoothly.

Level Test is aligned to the Global Scale of English (GSE).

Various Level Test manuals from GSE and Pearson
A person holds a smartphone displaying data while sitting in front of a laptop with similar data on its screen. Both devices show charts, graphs, and text, indicating an analysis or report. The person points to the phone screen. The setting appears to be a work desk.


Employs robust security measures

Used for employment and recruitment and other instances when security is required

Pearson badge

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages


Bridge uses the internationally recognized CEFR standard for describing language abilities, which describes language proficiency on a six-point scale from A1 for beginners up to C2 for native mastery of the language. At Bridge, we use the CEFR to interpret language test results, track learners long-term progress and define learning objectives.

CEFR logo
bar chart of level CEFR

We also work with learners to measure their progress on a more micro level using the Global Scale of English.

The first truly global English language standard

Global Scale of English


Teachers are able to use a common framework from which to measure learner progress on a local, national or international level – one which provides tools that guide them in identifying areas for focus and creating appropriate lesson content.

Learners benefit by having a clear understanding of what needs to be mastered at each CEFR level, keeping them motivated.

The GSE helps learners answer:
How good is my English?
Am I progressing?
What do I need to do next?
A circular infographic titled "Global Scale of English" (GSE) with four connected sections: "Teacher," "Learning Objectives," "Courseware," and "Assessment." The teacher icon shows books, the learning objectives a checklist, the courseware textbooks/tablet, and the assessment a certificate.

About language testing options offered by Bridge

A man with a beard, wearing a green t-shirt, sits at a wooden table in front of a laptop, smiling and typing. A smartphone and a white cup are on the table. A lamp and large window are in the background, suggesting a home or casual office setting.
Our two representatives, Natalia and Georgina, await your contact.

Ready to partner with Bridge?
We’d love to work with you.

Tell us more about your organization’s language training needs.