What do Language Schools Look for When Hiring or Promoting?

Not everyone wants to be a business owner or entrepreneur, and for those looking to get hired at a language school, what skills do you need to have and what are they looking for? If already employed, what can you do to impress and earn a promotion? This session will talk about: desired traits in teachers and supervisors at language schools; regional differences in hiring; and the hiring process for new employees and promotions for existing staff.

Erin Hernandez

Carlos Pizarro

Ali Noori

Zoe Smith
Other Webinars
Learning paths: Jobs, Career Advice, and Professional Development.
A Spotlight on PTE Academic: The Fast, Reliable and Convenient Testing Solution
Get an introduction to Pearson’s computer-based English language test and learn how you can help your students prepare for test day with a range of comprehensive teaching resources.
Learning paths: Jobs, Career Advice, and Professional Development.
Adapting to Online English Exams
How have learners, teachers and schools adapted to online English assessments? Representatives from higher ed, language centers, and K-12 schools will discuss how they adapted to a hybrid environment after two years of normalizing online testing and placement.
Learning paths: Jobs, Career Advice, and Professional Development.
All-In-Online Platforms: Streamline Your Independent Teaching Business or Bring Your Langauge School Online
Are you getting overwhelmed by all the apps and tools you need to run your independent online English teaching business? Wondering how you can bring your language school online so you can reach new students (and enhance the experience of current students)? Using an all-in-one platform can help. This session will cover the benefits of using an all-in-one platform and an overview presentation by representatives of leading platforms.
Learning paths: Jobs, Career Advice, and Professional Development.
Alumni Stories: Secrets to Success as an Online English Teacher
Find out how Bridge-certified teachers are making a living teaching English online and how their training, the network they built, and their field of specialization helped them along the way.
Learning paths: Jobs, Career Advice, and Professional Development.
An Innovative Path from Teacher to Teacherpreneur: Creating EdTech and Educational Products
Do you have an idea for a product or service for English teachers, learners, or the broader ELT sector? Real teacherpreneurs share how they successfully transitioned from teaching English to designing and delivering EdTech tools and educational products.
Learning paths: Jobs, Career Advice, and Professional Development.
Beats and Rhymes in Online ELT
Mixing hip-hop and other performing arts into your online classroom brings the human element front and center, making technology come alive for English language learners!
Learning paths: Jobs, Career Advice, and Professional Development.
Becoming a Digital Nomad: How to Use Digital Tools to Teach Abroad
Whether you’re interested in becoming (or already) an independent English teacher or teaching through a tutor marketplace, using digital tools and apps will make your life easier and more enjoyable. What types of digital tools do you need? What are the preferred tools of current digital nomad teachers? We’ll discuss everything from choosing tools for scheduling classes, accepting payments and preparing lessons to websites to download pre-made lesson plans.
Learning paths: Jobs, Career Advice, and Professional Development.
Benchmark Proficiency Scales: An Introduction to CEFR and ACTFL Levels
A1, B2, IH and AL? What does it all mean anyway? Join us for an introduction to CEFR and ACTFL, the two most commonly used benchmark scales. We’ll help you “speak” CEFR and ACTFL, learn the difference between the two, and explore how you can apply that knowledge to the classroom and assessments!
Learning paths: Jobs, Career Advice, and Professional Development.
Best Practices for Online Course Delivery: Engaging and Supporting Learners
Go behind the scenes with Bridge course developers as they dive into the specific technologies and best practices in eLearning and instructional design that ensure students get the most out of their educational experience.
Learning paths: Jobs, Career Advice, and Professional Development.
Breaking Down LMS and Learning Platforms for English Teachers
With so many opportunities to teach English independently online, many teachers are looking for eLearning platforms to host their classes and manage admin tasks like scheduling and invoices. Join our panel of experts as they discuss how learning platforms have evolved and the criteria to consider when choosing a platform. Gain the knowledge you need to find the right platform for you and your students!