What Is CLIL? Features and Benefits of This Innovative Method in Bilingual Education

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CLIL stands for Content and Language Integrated Learning and, as the name suggests, this approach to bilingual education, in which academic subjects are taught in the target language, relies on collaboration between teachers, administrators, students, and parents. Growing in popularity around the globe, the rise of CLIL calls for a deeper understanding of the underpinnings and applications of this method, as well as the potential benefits the approach has for students.

Join Bridge, along with CLIL experts and practitioners, to discuss CLIL’s place in bilingual education, the key principles of this method (including the 5 C’s), and how stakeholders can support CLIL adoption at their institution to improve student outcomes.

Learn more about the Bridge’s Specialized training in CLIL Methodology for Teachers here: https://bridge.edu/tefl/courses/specialized/content-language-integrated-learning-clil


Leticia Moraes
Leticia Moraes has been in the ELT field for 20 years. Based in Brazil, she has experience teaching all ages and levels and has recently been involved with secondary learners, project work, and CLIL. She is also a teacher trainer and materials writer. She is a DELTA and ICELT holder and has a BA in English Language and Literature from Universidade de São Paulo, and a postgraduate degree in Distance Learning from Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul. She is currently a partner at Troika and Joint Events Coordinator for the IATEFL Young Learners and Teenagers Special Interest Group (YLTSIG).
Anna Hearrell
Anna Hearrell is Bridge’s Product Manager. She has developed innovative online programs designed to meet the needs of English language teachers around the world, including a Micro-credential course dedicated to Teaching English as a Global Language. As a teacher training provider, Bridge seeks to empower the global English language teaching community with accessible professional development options, teacher recognition, and advocacy: https://bridge.edu/tefl/

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