IATEFL: Bringing Linguistic Landscapes to the ELT Classroom

An IATEFL monthly webinar, presented by Josianne Block

This webinar will delve into the pedagogical potential of linguistic landscapes. We will explore how everyday language found in private and public spaces can be used as an authentic resource to enhance language learning, awareness, and critical thinking.

Webinar participants will explore innovative techniques for using real-world texts to foster a more engaging and creative learning environment. We will look into what linguistic landscapes are by examining examples from around the world, including street art, signs, and shopfronts. We will also see how linguistic landscapes align with the concept of trans-semiotising, as defined by Li Wei, which highlights the use of various modes for meaning-making within multilingual contexts.

This session will blend theory with practical examples by showcasing the multilingual and creative nature of our linguistic environments and demonstrating how this could be implemented in the classroom to create a learning environment that mirrors our naturally linguistically diverse and trans-semiotic world.





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