Engagement, characterized by the active participation of both students and teachers, plays a pivotal role in shaping the success of language teaching and learning. The conference aims to highlight the various dimensions of engagement such as social, cognitive, behavioural, and affective interactions. These components work in unison to enhance the overall language learning experience, resulting in positive outcomes for students.
The rapidly evolving digital technology has transformed language teaching and learning. The integration of technology into pedagogical practices has opened up new avenues and possibilities, revolutionizing the way we engage with language acquisition. A key focus of our conference is to hence explore how technology interacts with pedagogy to foster engagement in language learning. We will delve into the innovative use of digital tools, online platforms, and immersive learning experiences that captivate learners’ interests and motivate them to actively participate in their language learning journey. We will also examine how inclusivity and diversity through varying means (online or face-to-face) play a vital role in creating engaging learning environments that cater to the needs of diverse learners, ensuring equal opportunities for all.
Our esteemed keynote speakers, Prof. Rod Ellis (Curtin University, Australia), Prof. Norbert Pachler (University College London, UK), Prof. Boping Yuan (University of Cambridge, UK), and Prof. Glenn Stockwell (Waseda University, Japan), will be sharing their expert insights and research findings, adding immense value to the proceedings.
We believe that your participation will contribute significantly to the success of our conference. Join us in our pursuit of enhancing language teaching and learning through engagement in the digital age!