Wondering how you can find an English teaching job online or abroad this year? Here are answers to common questions from job seekers, as well as top tips for your 2022 TEFL/TESOL job search!
Is it possible to teach abroad in 2022?
Yes! Simply put, each individual country will have its own processes regarding whether foreign nationals are able to enter the country and earn a work visa. If there are any specific countries where you’re interested in teaching, it can be useful to visit their embassy’s website to see up-to-date information on travel.

Where can I teach abroad this year?
At the moment, many of the available teach abroad opportunities are in East Asia. For example, Bridge partner schools like APAX English in Vietnam and BFITS in Thailand are both currently hiring teachers. Teach English Global is also accepting teachers for positions across South Korea and China.
There are some opportunities in other countries as well. For instance, the Central European Teaching Program (CETP) in Hungary is up and running this year, despite COVID-19. Foreign nationals are able to enter these countries for teaching positions as long as they follow specific protocols set by the government (like a two-week mandatory quarantine upon entry, for example).
Of course, there will always be high demand for qualified English teachers, so it’s expected that more countries and positions will become available throughout 2022 as vaccines continue to be distributed and the COVID-19 situation hopefully keeps improving.
What should I do now to prepare to teach abroad?
It’s never too early to start planning to teach abroad by building your credentials and making yourself a stronger applicant. If you already have a TEFL/TESOL certificate, you might consider looking into Bridge Specialized Certificates and Micro-credentials for continued professional development. It can also be helpful to prepare all of the documents you’ll need to teach abroad once the time is right. Make sure you have an up-to-date passport, copies of any past educational documents (like a university degree), and a strong resume.
See our TEFL/TESOL resume tips here!

Are there opportunities now to teach English online?
Yes, there’s a high demand for qualified online teachers at the moment. Online English tutoring companies are a good starting point for new teachers, as they often provide a structured work environment, including:
Check out this overview of online TEFL/TESOL companies that are currently hiring.
What kind of TEFL/TESOL certification should I earn to qualify for English teaching jobs?
General certification
As a general rule, many positions around the globe will require applicants to have a comprehensive, Professional TEFL/TESOL Certification of 120 hours or more. As a result, there are two programs Bridge typically recommends to qualify for jobs:
Specialized certification
Bridge also offers a number of Specialized Certificate programs for teachers looking to focus their knowledge on one topic or another. You should begin with either the 150-hour IDELTOnline™ or the 120-hour Master Certificate, but the specialized courses are a great way to enhance your skills and to help your resume stand out.
For example, the Specialized Certificate in Teaching English Online is a very popular option. This program covers topics like the tools and technologies needed to teach online, virtual lesson planning strategies, and troubleshooting techniques.
Another option is the Comprehensive Certification Bundle, which prepares you to teach English online and worldwide. It includes either the 120-hour Master Certificate or IDELTOnline™ as well as the Specialized Certificate in Teaching English Online and saves you money by bundling!
Micro-credential courses
Teachers who are already certified or who have a lot of experience in the EFL field can continue their professional development with Micro-credential courses, which offer targeted training in specific TEFL/TESOL areas. These courses are shorter, usually around 10 to 30 hours long, and the portfolio of offered credentials is constantly growing.
For example, you can take Micro-credentials in ELT subfields like Teaching TOEFL Test Prep, Teaching English as a Volunteer, or Teaching English Online to Groups.
Adding Micro-credential courses to your resume is yet another way to stand out to potential employers and show that you take an active interest in continued professional development.

What if I have no degree or experience? Can I still get a job teaching English?
While it’s certainly helpful to have a degree or experience to get a job teaching English, it’s not a requirement. There are opportunities to teach online without a degree and to teach abroad without a degree.
Of course, for either type of job, if you lack a degree, it’s always best to make yourself as strong an applicant as possible. Some good ways to earn TEFL/TESOL experience include volunteer teaching or completing a practicum like the 20-hour Guided Teaching Practicum or 60-hour Practicum in Teaching English Online. And if you’re trying to land a job teaching abroad, consider gaining some experience teaching online first.
I’m not finding any jobs teaching English. What should I do?
Be patient! You’re not the only one struggling during the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic. All sectors have been hard-hit by the limitations of the crisis, and certainly, the teach-abroad market is particularly affected, as countries deal with the aftermath of school closures and travel restrictions.
The market for online English teachers, on the other hand, has grown stronger, but it has also become more competitive, so if you’re job seeking in this field and not having luck, look for ways to set yourself apart as an applicant. This can mean everything from earning the highest possible credentials to making sure you have a stand-out resume for teaching online.
And if you need a break from applying to jobs or are looking for something a bit more flexible, be proactive and start teaching English as a freelancer instead! Also, consider these techniques for avoiding job search fatigue.