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Pedagogy (TESOL/TEFL Strategies & Methodology)
Learn about the latest pedagogy for TEFL/TESOL from the experts. Stay up to date with new teaching trends and learn how to be the most effective English teacher you can be. We’ll show you how to incorporate 21st-century skills into your classes, teach you to effectively use ESL games and activities to engage your students, and offer insights into ESL teaching methods like code-switching. ELT pedagogy is constantly evolving, so ensure you have the latest information to succeed in your teaching goals.
5 Popular ESL Teaching Methods Every Teacher Should Know
By Johanna Kawasaki
Check out these 5 popular ESL teaching methods, including communicative language teaching (CLT) and total physical response (TPR), to stay up to date on the latest English teaching trends and...
How to Teach Business English Conversation and Workplace Communication Skills
By Savannah Potter
The 21st century has been defined by technological advancements and the globalization of industries. Some researchers estimate that nearly 60% of all business transactions worldwide are conducted in English. The... -
How to Create Engaging ESL Grammar Lessons
By Coleen Monroe
Don't be scared by ESL grammar lesson plans! Incorporating these 5 basic things ensures that your grammar lesson will be effective and fun. We've also got some additional tips and...
Empowering Students with the Flipped Classroom Approach
By Linda D'Argenio
Although the flipped classroom approach has been around for a long time, it has grown in popularity in recent years as technology has advanced, fast becoming a common classroom tool... -
What Is Code-Switching in EFL Classrooms and When Should You Use This Practice?
By Linda D'Argenio
People living in multicultural communities are familiar with the phenomenon of code-switching. Code-switching in the EFL classroom can enhance communication and has several functions. The term code-switching (CS) refers to...
Keep Your Eyes on the Prize: Using Objectives in ESL Lesson Planning
By Johanna Kawasaki
Writing objectives in ESL lesson planning is essential if you want to deliver an effective and engaging lesson. We'll teach you exactly how to incorporate ESL learning objectives into your... -
Last-Minute ESL Lesson Plans That Can Be Adapted for Any Class
By Coleen Monroe
Whether you have some extra time in class or are filling in for another teacher, these last-minute ESL lesson plans can be adapted to any subject and level. They're also...
6 Teaching Business English Lesson Plans for All Learner Levels
By Krzl Light Nuñes
From learning corporate terms to mastering expressions for negotiating, Business English is brimming with topics on how students can thrive in the workplace. Teaching each concept, however, requires thorough planning... -
Teaching Smarter, Not Harder With AI-Powered Content Creation
By Shélynn Riel
As technology becomes more integral to education, generative AI is transforming how English Language Teaching (ELT) professionals approach lesson planning, activity creation, and resource development. This new wave of AI... -
Your Guide to Fluency vs. Accuracy in English Language Teaching
By Linda D'Argenio
There are many goals English language teachers consider when developing their instructional strategies and deciding on class activities. Considering whether to focus on fluency vs. accuracy is an important one.... -
10 Tips for Teaching Conversational English Like a Pro
By Camille Turner
More and more TEFL/TESOL educators are finding themselves teaching conversational English as the demand for classes focused on speaking and fluency continues to grow. But, what exactly does it mean... -
From Novice to Native: How Long Does It Take to Learn English?
By Rashmi
At Bridge, we work with executives and professionals eager to improve their English skills for business purposes. One of the most common questions we get asked is, “How long does... -
The Case for Celebrating Fluency in Conversational English
By Gustavo Fróes
There has been an unprecedented shift in the global landscape of English language education worldwide. Schools and organizations have increasingly prioritized conversational fluency over rigid grammatical perfection, recognizing that effective... -
10 Powerful 2025 Goals for English Teachers to Ring In the New Year
By Camille Turner
The year 2025 is almost here! It’s a great time to define your goals in teaching English language learners for the new year. Whether you’re choosing New Year’s resolutions or... -
Why Intelligibility Matters More Than Perfection in Business English Communication
By Nick Ramirez
Imagine it’s your first day teaching Business English, and a student says to you, “Please correct all my mistakes.” Upon this request, you are faced with an important question: What... -
How to Teach Kids English: Everything You Need to Know About ESL for Young Learners
By Kevin Mermel
Kids, children, and teens, collectively referred to as “young learners,” make up one of the most common student demographics within the TEFL industry, and teaching this group, which is common... -
Explore 6 English Language Teaching Niches With TEFL Insiders
By Krzl Light Nuñes
Are you a prospective English teacher feeling clueless about which types of learners you should teach? Or, maybe you’re an experienced teacher looking to expand your student audience? From teaching... -
7 Tips for Teaching Reading in ESL Classes
By Bridge
In this guest article, Bridge partner esl.laboratory shares practical and effective strategies for teaching reading to English language learners. Teaching reading to ESL students can sometimes feel like assembling IKEA... -
TEFL Lessons Empowers Educators With Top Strategies and Resources
By Bridge
TEFL Lessons provides downloadable ESL lessons and resources for teaching students of all English proficiency levels. Their mission is to make teaching and learning English enjoyable by providing high-quality, effective,... -
Motivating Your ESL Students Using Real-World Videos With Fluentize
By Rashmi
Fluentize is an innovative platform that enhances English language learning by centering its lessons around real-world videos. Their formula integrates authentic video content from various sources like news, interviews, and... -
Finding Your Niche in English Language Teaching
By Bridge
So, what exactly is a niche, and how do you find yours when teaching English? In business, a niche is a specific corner of the market, targeting particular people with... -
How Using Real-Life, Authentic Materials in ELT Makes All the Difference
By Bridge
This is a guest article by esl.laboratory, which provides high-quality lessons and learning materials created by experienced ESL teachers. Covering a wide range of thought-provoking topics, their lessons are designed... -
A Mission to Support English Teachers: esl.laboratory Talks Effective, Ready-Made Lessons
By Rashmi
In this interview, Tania Kyrylenko, founder of esl.laboratory, shares how providing high-quality lesson plans supports the global community of English language teachers and enhances student learning outcomes. Learn about the... -
Prepare Business English Students for Career Success & Employability With 21st-Century Skills
By Shélynn Riel
In this rapidly changing world, Business English teachers are tasked with delivering language and skills that will increase students’ employability and effectiveness in the modern workplace. Teaching Business English extends... -
Promoting Social, Cultural, Global, and Environmental Awareness in the ESL Classroom
By Krzl Light Nuñes
In our increasingly interconnected world, English students are constantly immersed in multicultural experiences, whether interacting with friends from other countries or collaborating with global business teams. As today’s learners are... -
The Importance of Teaching Digital Literacy in the ESL Classroom
By Jennifer Maguire
In an increasingly digital world, the ability to navigate, evaluate, and create information using digital technologies has become essential. Digital literacy is particularly important for ESL learners, who not only... -
10 Engaging ESL Halloween Activities for a Frightfully Fun Lesson
By Rashmi
Whenever Halloween is around the corner, ESL teachers have cause to be wickedly happy. Why? Because it’s the perfect time of the year to incorporate unique and fun games and... -
Innovative Strategies for Effective English Language Teaching: Highlights of BRAZ-TESOL SC’s Event in Florianopolis
By Krzl Light Nuñes
With an in-depth look at the meaning of “innovation” at its core, BRAZ-TESOL’s Santa Catarina Chapter recently brought together English language educators from the southern region of Brazil to the... -
The Importance of Transferable Skills for ESL/EFL Students
By Jennifer Maguire
In today’s rapidly evolving world, the ability to adapt, communicate effectively, and solve problems creatively is more important than ever. For ESL students, transferable skills are crucial for success in... -
Why Including Interactive Games Is Important in the ESL Classroom
By Bridge
esl.laboratory specializes in providing research-based, ready-to-use lesson plans designed to accelerate student progress and make teaching more efficient and engaging. Our mission is to save teachers time on lesson prep... -
10 Strategies to Help Struggling English Language Learners
By Rashmi
It’s common for English language learners to struggle. Students may struggle for a variety of reasons – lack of confidence, learning style, and time constraints to name a few. The... -
Motivating Adult English Learners Through Progress Reporting on a Micro-Scale
By Jennifer Maguire
Keeping adult English language learners motivated can be challenging, especially when progress feels slow or hard to measure. One effective strategy to boost motivation is micro-scale progress reporting. By breaking... -
Best Reward Systems for Teaching English Online or In-Person
By Krzl Light Nuñes
Whether it’s about reciting the alphabet well or being able to strike up a conversation in English, nothing makes you feel prouder as an ESL teacher than your students’ achievements.... -
How to Motivate ESL Students: 10 Sure-Fire Ways to Inspire Learning
By Jennifer Maguire
Teaching English as a foreign language comes with its own unique set of challenges, especially when it comes to keeping students motivated. Whether you’re teaching online or in person, figuring... -
Motivating Business English Students by Aligning Language Learning With Career Advancement
By Jennifer Maguire
In today’s globalized world, mastering Business English is more than just acquiring a new language; it’s about unlocking career potential and enhancing professional opportunities. Aligning Business English learning with career... -
EFL Teacher Shares His Experiences Designing Custom Courses
By Krzl Light Nuñes
Have you ever wondered how English teachers create tailored ESL lessons or courses? Seasoned English teacher and teacher trainer Eddy Salgado, from Nicaragua, walks us through his steps for designing... -
Creating a Student-Centered Classroom Through CLIL Methodologies
By Rashmi
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a bilingual education approach in which students are taught a content subject through a foreign language. The primary goal of CLIL is to... -
Developing Teamwork and Social Skills in the Business English Classroom
By Krzl Light Nuñes
In our increasingly interconnected world, mastering Business English has gone beyond being a workplace necessity – it’s a pivotal component of career advancement. Whether a person takes Business English classes... -
Engaging Sample CLIL Lesson Plans for the ESL/EFL Classroom
By Dorothy Zemach
The good news about formulating a strong lesson plan for a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) class is that it will contain many of the same features of a... -
The Rise of CLIL in Global Education Systems
By Jennifer Maguire
In a globalized world, multilingualism has become increasingly important. In response to this, the progressive educational approach of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is seeing global adoption as a... -
What Are the Benefits of CLIL in Bilingual Education?
By Dorothy Zemach
If you’re interested in bilingual education, you’ve doubtless already encountered the term CLIL — Content and Language Integrated Learning. The CLIL approach involves learning about another subject (the “content”) while... -
What Is CLIL? The Global Trend in Bilingual Education Explained
By Dorothy Zemach
Bilingual education isn’t just for bilingual communities. Thanks to research that shows learning a second language has benefits for just about everyone, schools all over the world are looking for... -
Creating Engaging Multimedia Content for Business English Learners
By Krzl Light Nuñes
With the accelerated growth in technologies of the last 5-10 years, teachers have gained access to an incredible arsenal of tools that can greatly enhance learning. While teachers of all... -
26 Best Digital Tools for Teaching English Online
By Krzl Light Nuñes
From schedulers to teaching platforms to game apps, these tools for teaching English online will help keep you organized and your students engaged! -
Fast-Track Learning With the GSE in Business English Teaching
By Savannah Potter
Language proficiency assessment is a critical element of any corporate language training program, but how can assessment results be used to fast-track English language learning? Students in corporate language learning... -
You’re Doing Great! Mastering the Art of Feedback for ESL Students
By Savannah Potter
Giving feedback to ESL students is more than saying “good job” or putting a gold star on a quiz. Relevant feedback can take many forms, from written to verbal to... -
What’s the CEFR? The GSE? English Language Learner Levels Explained
By Krzl Light Nuñes
Students' English proficiency levels can get confusing! Learn about the CEFR, a universal standard for describing language learner levels that's essential for any TEFL teacher to be familiar with. -
The Essentials of Teaching Business English Online and In Person
By Camille Turner
What is teaching Business English all about, and what activities should you use in this TEFL/TESOL subfield? Learn where these adult ESL students are, what it takes to get a... -
How to Teach Phrasal Verbs to ESL Learners: Strategies, Lesson Plans, and More
By Bridge
This guest article was written by TEFL Lessons, a lesson plan provider with free and subscription-based ready-made ESL teaching materials. The ability to understand and use phrasal verbs is essential... -
5 Reasons to Consider English as a Lingua Franca When Teaching Business English
By Linda D'Argenio
With over 1.5 billion people speaking English, the language is now universally considered a lingua franca around the globe. Between 70 and 75 percent of speakers are non-native, making English... -
8 Tips for Teaching English as a Global Language
By Peri Destina Eryigit
With an estimated 1.5 billion native and non-native speakers, English is the most widely spoken language in the world. Teaching English as a global language is a practice that recognizes... -
8 Tips for Teaching English for Test Preparation
By Krzl Light Nuñes
With the high demand and increase in earning potential, it’s no surprise that preparing students for the IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, and other English proficiency tests is a popular niche among... -
Hyper-Personalize Your Business English Teaching With AI
By Krzl Light Nuñes
AI tools have many uses for the ESL teacher, but one niche is particularly well suited to using AI – Business English. In addition to various benefits like simplifying tasks... -
6 Ways to Use AI as Your Personal Teaching Assistant
By Krzl Light Nuñes
Before the rise of chatbots, virtual assistants, and other artificial intelligence-run applications, English teachers had no other choice but to juggle the heavy load of teaching tasks that typically include... -
Using AI Tools for English Language Proficiency Placement, Leveling, and Progress Monitoring
By Rashmi
Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be everywhere these days. Many industries are incorporating it into their day-to-day operations – and English Language Training (ELT) is no exception. AI tools for... -
8 Ways to Use AI to Teach ESL Reading
By Linda D'Argenio
When it comes to AI, there are mixed opinions in educational circles. While ethical concerns should certainly be considered and addressed, there are also incredible ways these tools can be... -
How to Create ESL Lesson Plans for TEFL + 15 Top Sites to Find Free Ones!
By Camille Turner
A planned, structured TEFL lesson guides your curriculum as a teacher and provides measurable objectives for students. Let’s take a look at the components of effective plans, how to write... -
15 Fun & Easy ESL Games for Adults
By Bridge
Have you ever heard the phrase “Games are just for kids” when teaching adults? Here’s some great news: You can and should use ESL games for adults! Let’s take a... -
16 Fun ESL Games and Activities for Kids & Teens
By Bridge
Learning English as a second language probably won't make young learners' and teens' list of top three favorite activities, but incorporating games into your lessons is a great way to... -
ESL Pronunciation Games for Teaching Kids, Teens, and Adults
By Bridge
Mastering clear and correct pronunciation helps students become confident communicators both in and out of class. Try these ESL pronunciation games to integrate plenty of phonics practice into your online... -
5-Point Checklist for Planning Online ESL Games for Teens
By Betsy Ramser Jaime
Games and activities are an effective way to keep young students engaged. Consider this 5-point checklist when planning online ESL games for teens to make sure they help students reach... -
Enhancing ESL Courses With Spaced Repetition: What Teachers and Learners Need to Know
By Bridge
This guest article was written by Nestor Kiourtzidis, Co-Founder of Linguahouse, a leading provider of teaching resources for ESL/EFL teachers. Linguahouse provides resources and tools for ESL teachers, students, and... -
Leveraging English Proficiency Testing in Academics and Employment
By Linda D'Argenio
English language testing constitutes a significant part of the English teaching industry. Every year, millions of students take various tests to demonstrate their proficiency in English. To put this in... -
Top Strategies for Teaching Grammar to English Language Learners
By Shélynn Riel
Teaching grammar is an essential aspect of your role as a language teacher. Your students rely on you to provide them with the tools necessary to engage in conversations with... -
Get Your Students Talking! 30+ TEFL Discussion Questions for Adults
By Krzl Light Nuñes
Have you ever struggled with adult learners who held back in class due to shyness or lack of confidence? These TEFL discussion questions for adults will break the ice, build... -
Do You CCQ? Using Concept Checking Questions in the ESL Classroom
By Jalena Johnson
“Do you understand?” “Does that make sense?” “Do you have it?” It doesn’t matter how a teacher might ask, these types of questions are not the most effective attempts at... -
Debunking the Methodology Myth: Identifying Multiple Methods of ESL Instruction
By Linda D'Argenio
Choosing an effective foreign language teaching methodology is a concern common to many language teachers. In the case of teaching English as a second or foreign language, this concern is... -
Unleashing the Power of Creative Thinking in the ESL Classroom
By Linda D'Argenio
The role of an English language teacher is multifaceted. Of the many responsibilities that fall to you as an instructor are to keep education fun, fresh, and encouraging and to... -
12 Fun ESL Reading Comprehension Activities for All Levels!
By Krzl Light Nuñes
Reading is essential to boost your English learners’ skills, so ESL reading comprehension activities are vital to your students’ success. Some students may not be fond of reading or are... -
Teaching PTE Test Prep: 8 Resources to Guide Your English Language Classes
By Bridge
This guest article was written by Pearson, a leading global publisher of English language curricula and resources, courseware, and assessments. The Pearson Test of English, or PTE, is quickly becoming... -
8 Strategies to Build Confidence in ESL Students
By Linda D'Argenio
Language-learning anxiety is a real phenomenon that affects many students and makes them less willing to participate in class activities and even attend a foreign language class at all. This... -
7 ESL Filler Activities for Teaching Online
By Krzl Light Nuñes
You’ve finally finished teaching your lesson, your students have completed all of their tasks, and then you realize you still have time left before class ends. Uh-oh! Since you don’t... -
JET Program: Everything You Need to Know to Teach English in Japan
By Jennifer Collis
Have you heard of the JET Program in Japan? This popular Japanese teacher exchange program requires assistant teaching applicants to have a bachelor’s degree and citizenship from a participating country,... -
Teaching Suprasegmentals in the ESL Classroom: Stress, Rhythm, and Intonation
By Savannah Potter
Suprasegmentals refer to speech features such as tone, rhythm, or loudness – basically anything that isn’t a standalone sound. They signal grammatical differences, emotions, and continuity that a native speaker... -
Listen Up! 9 ELL Listening Activities for Students of Any Age and Level
By Elaine Gallagher
If students want to become fluent in English, listening is an essential skill for them to master. No matter how well you speak a language, if you don’t understand what... -
Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in the ESL Classroom
By Linda D'Argenio
Critical thinking has become a central concept in today’s educational landscape, regardless of the subject taught. Critical thinking is not a new idea. It has been present since the time... -
10 Fun Ways to Use Realia in Your ESL Classroom
By Camille Turner
If you’re a teacher, chances are that you’ve used realia at some point in your classroom and you may not have even realized it! We'll show you 10 creative ways... -
ESL Stakeholders – Who Are They and Why Do They Matter?
By Camille Turner
ESL stakeholders are invested in students' success. Knowing who they are and how to build good relationships with them will result in positive interactions with colleagues as well as happy... -
What Is TPRS? A Look at the Language Acquisition Strategy That’s Growing in Popularity
By Linda D'Argenio
TPRS is a method of acquiring a second language naturally and effectively. It’s an excellent tool to use with students of all ages but is especially effective with young learners... -
How to Teach ESL Vocabulary: Top Methods for Introducing New Words
By Lorena Siegel
Vocabulary is crucial to a student’s language development in order to relate thoughts, ideas, and feelings effectively – in other words, to communicate! But how do we help students build vocab... -
How to Build Rapport With ESL Students: 8 Strategies for Fostering Good Relationships
By Krzl Light Nuñes
Before you put those PowerPoint slides onscreen or break out the worksheets in your next English class, have you checked how your students feel about taking the day’s lesson? There... -
Set Your Students Up for Success: IELTS Teaching Materials, Resources, & Lesson Plans
By Savannah Potter
Standardized testing such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) can be intimidating for any student. However, by creating a dynamic learning environment and leveraging effective and fun IELTS... -
How to Teach English Grammar – Even if You’re Terrible at It!
By Coleen Monroe
Worried about how to teach English grammar in the ESL classroom? You don't need perfect grammar to teach English grammar — you just need these tips and strategies to be... -
Teaching Very Young Learners Online: 5 Interactive Digital Materials and Activities
By Milica Alice Vukadin
This guest post was written by Milica Vukadin, Founder of Alice in Methodologyland, a nonprofit offering free materials, courses, and other resources for educators and young learners. Alice is also... -
Teaching English Pronunciation: How to Teach the IPA Chart
By Gerald Smith
The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is an invaluable tool when teaching English pronunciation and listening, but many teachers struggle with how to teach the IPA chart. We’ll answer the question,... -
Collaborative Learning Strategies for Fostering Teamwork in the ESL Classroom
By Shélynn Riel
Collaborative learning is an educational approach that puts the onus on students to assume active roles in their learning and “do the work” themselves. Collaborative learning strategies present individuals with... -
ESL Grammar Activities to Make Your Lessons Interesting, Interactive, and Inclusive
By Krzl Light Nuñes
When it comes to learning nouns, verbs, and tenses, it’s not uncommon for many English students to yawn at the thought of sitting through grammar drills and filling out worksheets.... -
Teaching Writing to ESL/EFL Students: Tips and Activities for Any Level
By Linda D'Argenio
Teaching writing to non-native speakers of a language presents a plethora of unique challenges and can feel overwhelming for new and seasoned teachers alike. However, teaching writing to ESL students... -
How to Personalize Your English Lessons: 7 Effective Strategies
By Krzl Light Nuñes
Do your learners sometimes find it hard to relate to your class topics or progress in their tasks? Perhaps it’s time to tap into their unique personalities, interests, and skills.... -
Technology as a Dedicated Assistant in Pronunciation Teaching
By Vu Van
With 1.5 billion people speaking English globally in 2022, this language has been the most spoken language worldwide for more than two centuries. Consequently, fluency in English opens the opportunity... -
5 Innovative Online Tools for Teaching English Pronunciation
By Krzl Light Nuñes
Have your ESL students been mixing up their vowel sounds or stuttering with unfamiliar words? Chances are you need new ways to teach English pronunciation or get your learners working... -
How to Leverage Voice Technology to Enable Speaking Practice for English Learners
By Caren Chen
This guest post is by Caren Chen, the CEO & Founder of Sensay, an education technology startup whose mission is to help English educators instill lifelong speaking confidence in their... -
How to Teach ESL Pronunciation and Phonics
By Johanna Kawasaki
Teaching ESL pronunciation can be challenging, but with the right tools, you can set your students up for success – and even fun! Learn the essential phonics terms, get tips... -
Instructional and Curricular Design in ESL/EFL
By Krzl Light Nuñes
There’s no doubt that, as an English teacher, you want to help your students achieve their goals for learning English, but how can you make sure that your lesson materials... -
What Is Reflective Teaching and Why Is It Important?
By Gerald Smith
If you feel that your teaching is becoming a bit stale or you’re unsure of a lesson’s effectiveness, reflective teaching is the best way to regain your confidence and interest... -
Teaching English to Young Learners & Teens: Classroom Management Strategies
By Brendan O'Shea
Teaching English to young learners is an exciting yet challenging task. Learn classroom management tips that you can apply to your own classroom, straight from a teacher who has experience... -
ESL Songs for Kids & Teens + How to Use Them in the Classroom
By Brendan O'Shea
Young learners and teens (and even adults!) enjoy learning English through music. A teacher in China shares his favorite ESL songs and activities to engage his students and even “trick”... -
Using Bloom’s Taxonomy in the ESL/EFL Classroom
By Krzl Light Nuñes
As you sort through your ESL class materials, do you sometimes find yourself asking questions like, “Will these flashcards work with beginners?” or “Which activities can I use to teach... -
5 Earth Day Lesson Plans to Teach Sustainability in the ESL Classroom
By Camille Turner
Whether you’re celebrating Earth Day or want to use your ESL classroom as a vehicle for positive change year-round, these lesson plans for teaching online and in person will get... -
How to Structure Online ESL Lesson Plans (+Sample!)
By Krzl Light Nuñes
From using apps to engaging students sans physical interaction, teaching English online calls for a slightly different game plan than teaching in a traditional classroom. Nevertheless, you don’t have to... -
13 Easy ESL Icebreakers to Get Your Students Talking
By Camille Turner
Whether starting the first day with a bang or re-energizing students throughout the term, ESL icebreakers get students moving, build confidence, and set the tone for the class. We share... -
4 Strategies to Kickstart Your ESL Tutoring Side Gig
By Jake Young
Teaching private classes can be a lucrative side gig to your regular teaching job or a great way to transition into starting your own English tutoring business. Experienced English tutor... -
What Is a Needs Assessment for Teaching English?
By Rashmi
A needs assessment for teaching English is an essential instructional method that tracks students’ needs in the classroom. Every English class is different, as students have different motivations to learn... -
Announcing New Bridge Micro-Credential Courses: Your Next Achievement Is Just a Click Away
By Jennifer Collis
The accredited TEFL/TESOL professional development you're looking for is now accessible and affordable. Bridge is proud to announce the launch of our new suite of Micro-credential courses, so you can... -
6 Common Challenges ESL Students Face (and How Teachers Can Help)
By Peri Destina Eryigit
Learn about the most common challenges ESL students face so that you can help learners overcome them and have a positive English language learning experience. -
How to Teach English With Limited Resources: Tips, Strategies, and More!
By Camille Turner
Have to teach English with limited resources? Don't worry! You can still deliver exciting and effective lessons, and you might even become a creative teacher along the way. A teacher... -
Using Drama as an ESL Teaching Method
By Johanna Kawasaki
Using drama as an ESL teaching method is a fun way to engage your English language students, get them up and moving, and build their confidence with the language. -
Empower Your Students With Inquiry-Based Learning
By Johanna Kawasaki
Inquiry-based learning, also known as exploratory or active learning, is a teaching method that motivates and engages your students. Find out when and how to use inquiry-based learning in the... -
8 Ways to Use Pop Culture in the ESL Classroom
By Camille Turner
Catchy music, trendy art, the latest technology – there's a lot to love about pop culture! Find out how you can use pop culture in the ESL classroom to inspire... -
How to Teach Teens ESL: Tips, Techniques, Activities, and More!
By Brendan O'Shea
There's a common myth about teaching ESL to teenagers: They're more difficult to teach because they’re not interested in learning. This assumption can worry some teachers, who may picture themselves... -
The Pros and Cons of Teaching English One-on-One (Plus Lesson Ideas!)
By Krzl Light Nuñes
Think teaching English one-on-one might be a good fit for you? Find out where you can find one-on-one ESL jobs, what the pros and cons are, and what activities you... -
The Power of Storytelling for Young Learners in the ESL Classroom
By Raquel Castro
Setting aside time for storytelling for young learners in the ESL classroom can increase students' vocabulary and help them develop better listening and reading comprehension skills. Find out other ways... -
The Pros and Cons of School-Provided, “Centralized” Lesson Plans for ESL
By Coleen Monroe
Using pre-established, centralized lesson plans in schools and online ESL companies is a growing trend. Find out the pros and cons of centralized lesson plans, and get tips for using... -
ESL Philosophy of Teaching Statement: What Is It & Why Does It Matter?
By Coleen Monroe
An ESL philosophy of teaching statement can help you be a better teacher and land a top teaching job. Find out why you need a teaching philosophy and how to... -
Give Your Students the Gift of Gab: 12 Fun TEFL Speaking Activities
By Camille Turner
Are your students scared, unmotivated, or bored when it comes to speaking in class? Use these 11 fun, engaging TEFL speaking activities to get students talking and practicing their English... -
What Is TTT When Teaching English?
By Krzl Light Nuñes
What is TTT when teaching English, why is it important to reduce it, and how do you encourage your ESL students to speak more in class? Find out the answer... -
No Puppets Required! Teach English Online to Adults With These Companies
By Camille Turner
Are you eager to get into the growing field of teaching English online but just can't picture yourself tutoring young kids? Don't worry - you've still got options! Check out... -
What Is Task-Based Learning? A Guide to the Popular Teaching Method
By Johanna Kawasaki
Find out the answer to "What is task-based learning?" and discover why this ESL teaching method is effective. Plus, get task-based lesson plans that you can use in your virtual... -
How to Teach Parts of Speech: Lesson Tips & Activities for ESL Teachers
By Coleen Monroe
Get ideas for how to teach parts of speech in a fun and engaging way that your ESL students will enjoy! Incorporate these games and tips into your lesson plan... -
How to Teach Participial Adjectives to ESL Students
By Johanna Kawasaki
Learn the ins and outs of teaching participial adjectives to ESL students with these tips, rules, and examples. We've also included a table of the most commonly used participial adjectives,... -
Top Tips for Creating Materials for the EFL Classroom
By Johanna Kawasaki
Find out how adapting or creating materials for the EFL classroom can help keep your students motivated and learning. Read these top tips for creating materials, like tests, games, and... -
The 10 Most-Read BridgeUniverse Articles of 2020
By Rashmi
2020 was a year like no other, and as we happily usher in 2021, let's take a moment to reflect on the topics that resonated most with our readers throughout... -
What Is Blended Learning in ESL and How Can I Implement It in the Online Class?
By Johanna Kawasaki
Whether you're teaching English online with an established tutoring company or working as a freelance online teacher, it's important to have an understanding of blended learning in ESL, which is... -
Team-Based Activities for the ESL Classroom or Online
By Coleen Monroe
Cooperation and teamwork can be fostered in the ESL classroom to help students develop their English in a fun and interactive way and increase motivation through competition. We’ve put together... -
Tips for Using Games When Teaching Adults English Online
By Betsy Ramser Jaime
You might be surprised to learn that ESL games and activities are an effective teaching tool with adult language learners as well as kids. An experienced online teacher shares how... -
How Should You Handle Taboos When Teaching English?
By Johanna Kawasaki
Whether you're teaching online or in the classroom, there will be times when inappropriate topics or behavior come up. Should you ignore these taboos, discuss them, or educate your students... -
Tips for Using Video to Teach English
By Coleen Monroe
Getting the most out of videos in the classroom involves a lot more than just hitting "play." An experienced teacher shares tips for teaching English using video that will enhance... -
The Dos & Don’ts of Error Correction When Teaching English
By Johanna Kawasaki
While when and how to correct errors when teaching English mainly depends on whether your lesson objective is fluency or accuracy, there are some key factors to consider when it... -
English as a Global Language – The Case for Teaching Different Accents and Dialects
By Johanna Kawasaki
English is a global language used not just by native speakers, but as a lingua franca between speakers of other languages worldwide. Here's how you can teach a variety of... -
What Is TPR for Teaching English and How Can I Use It?
By Johanna Kawasaki
Total Physical Response, or TPR, is an ESL teaching technique based on the way children first learn to speak their native tongue. Learn how to incorporate this highly effective strategy... -
Interview With Dr. Sandra Quiñones-Hemphill, “The Language Lady”
By Kaitlyn Webster
Dr. Sandra Quiñones-Hemphill has dedicated over 18 years of her life to education, working as a teacher and administrator in the ESL field. These positions ultimately led her to become... -
Meet Laura Lewin: Teacher-Training Expert, Author, and Speaker
By Kaitlyn Webster
She's the founder of educational training company, ABS International, as well as a Ted Talk speaker, and the author of nine books for teachers, admin, parents, and students. In this... -
Bridge Grad, Cristina, Experienced Business English Teacher in Buenos Aires
By Bridge
Cristina specializes in teaching adult professionals in her home country, Argentina. We recently spoke with her about the power of learning English, the impact she's had on her students, and... -
3 Insider Tips for Success as an Online Teacherpreneur
By Bryn Bonino
Do you want to run a successful online ESL teaching business? Branding strategist and experienced English teacher, Bryn Bonino, shares a few of the best tips she's learned as an... -
Maintaining Work-Life Balance While Teaching Online From Home
By Coleen Monroe
As many teachers find themselves suddenly teaching English in their living rooms, the struggle to separate work and home life can be a challenge. A teacher in China shares her... -
Using Props to Teach English Online
By Johanna Kawasaki
Props are a great way to enhance the learning experience for teachers and their students alike. As global teachers are increasingly switching to teaching English online, we are here to... -
Bridge Grad, Shawn in China: From Teaching Abroad to TEFL Entrepreneur
By Bridge
Bridge grad, Shawn, earned his TEFL certification then taught abroad in China and eventually developed his own company there. He now produces workbooks and presentations for teachers and their ESL... -
Troubleshooting When Teaching Online English Classes
By Coleen Monroe
Like many English teachers around the globe during the coronavirus crisis, Coleen, in China, had to make make a quick transition to the virtual classroom. She shares some of the... -
Bridge Grad Johanna, From Germany, Currently Teaching in Japan
By Bridge
Originally from Germany, Johanna, who started teaching abroad in 2010, is currently in Japan. She shares her path to TEFL, her perspective on teaching as a non-native English speaker, and... -
How to Teach English to Kids Online
By Lisa Shockley
The field of teaching English to kids online is growing in popularity among people from all walks of life who want a flexible, portable work environment. We’ll help you navigate... -
Loren, a Graduate of SIT’s MA TESOL Program, on Her Experience as an English Language Fellow in Myanmar
By Camille Turner
A former Peace Corps volunteer and current English Language Fellow in Myanmar, Loren Lee Chiesi talks about her global teaching experiences and getting her Master's in TESOL at the School for... -
Bridge Graduate, Russell, on Teaching in Zanzibar, Tanzania
By Bridge
As a management consultant in Tanzania for the last five years, one part of Russell's job is conducting English training for hospitality staff. He describes his students and the work... -
Teaching English with Guided Discovery for ESL
By Coleen Monroe
Using guided discovery for ESL is an approach that gives students the opportunity to question and discover the target language in a lesson. Learn how to use this method to... -
How Learning a Second Language Can Help You Teach English
By Jake Young
Jake Young, founder of the ESL website for English teachers, Fluentize, spent 10 years teaching in the Czech Republic. Based on his own experience learning Czech, Jake shares the many... -
Bridge Partner, Jake Young, Creator of Fluentize Website for EFL Teachers
By Bridge
Jake Young is a TEFL grad who taught in the Czech Republic for almost a decade before he founded Fluentize, a site for EFL teachers that provides video-based lesson plans.... -
Bridge Grad Erik’s Journey from English Teacher to ELT Website Creator
By Bridge
Erik originally studied engineering but later got TEFL certified at Bridge and taught abroad. Along the way, he developed methods to better teach his students and ultimately created a website... -
South African Teacher, Britta, in the Republic of Georgia
By Bridge
Feeling bored in her career, Britta, from South Africa, decided there must be more to life, so she did some soul searching and discovered TEFL. Now certified and happily teaching... -
Tips for Teaching Large ESL Classes of Kids & Teens
By Coleen Monroe
Teaching large ESL classes of kids or teens can seem overwhelming, but it's a good idea to be prepared for this scenario if you plan to teach abroad since it's... -
Meet Sharon from Mexico, Teaching Special Needs Students ESL
By Bridge
Sharon Hofmeister, from Mexico, has dedicated her career to teaching special education students in Mexico. We spoke with Sharon to find out more about her experience teaching English and how... -
How Online Teaching Helped Me Become a Better English Teacher
By Krzl Light Nuñes
You don't need to cross an ocean to have a great TEFL experience! Here, English teacher, Krzl Light Nunes, writes about her experiences teaching English online, and the surprising ways... -
How to Get a Job Abroad Teaching English to Kids
By Coleen Monroe
Teaching English as a foreign language offers a world of opportunity – especially if you're interested in teaching English to children or teens, since jobs with young students abound. But... -
10 No-Prep ESL Activities for the Last 10 Minutes of Class with Kids
By Coleen Monroe
Uh oh! It’s 11:30 and you've finished teaching your ESL lesson, but your class isn't scheduled to end until 11:40! Don't panic! We've got 10 quick, rigorous, no-prep, ESL activities... -
A Day in the Life of 6 ESL Teachers Who Teach Kids
By Bridge
Meet 6 ESL teachers in regions like Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America (as well as online) who shared what "a day in the life" teaching kids or teens is like... -
Bridge Graduate, Lindsay: ESL Volunteer in Tanzania
By Bridge
A graduate of the Bridge IDELTOnline and Specialized Certificate in Teaching English to Young Learners, Lindsay Mattone, from Hawaii, has a passion for child education and giving back on a global scale. -
April, from the Philippines, Teaching Business English in Chile
By Krzl Light Nuñes
According to April, a Filipino English teacher in Chile, “Teaching English means going out of your comfort zone.” She should know– her path started out in her small home town and... -
ESL Classroom Management & Routines for Young Learners
By Brendan O'Shea
If you teach English to children, or plan to, student behavior (i.e. ESL classroom management) is probably something you've at best thought about– and at worst, struggled with. When it... -
Meet Our Photo Contest Winners: Teaching Young Learners & Teens!
By Bridge
The results are in! We loved seeing your TEFL photos from all over the world. Thank you to everyone who participated and voted for our Grand Prize Winner on Facebook!... -
ESL Pronunciation Lesson for “S” Words
By Lorena Siegel
As an experienced English teacher who was born in Mexico and learned both English and Spanish at the same time, Lorena Siegel understands firsthand her students' issues with ESL pronunciation.... -
Meet Gabby, Argentinian English Teacher and Bridge Course Tutor
By Bridge
Gabby, head tutor for the Bridge Teaching English to Young Learners and Teenagers programs, talks about being a course tutor, teaching young learners and teens in Argentina, and how being... -
Camille Turner, Globetrotting TEFL Teacher in South America
By Bridge
BridgeTEFL graduate, Camille Turner, has taught English abroad in France and Italy and is currently a TEFL teacher in South America. In addition to her teach-abroad experience, Camille has taught... -
BridgeTEFL Graduate, Michael, Teacher in Ecuador
By Bridge
Michael is a BridgeTEFL online course graduate who moved to South America after retiring from his teaching career in the U.S., in order to begin a new adventure as an... -
What is it Like to Teach English in Costa Rica?
By Jennifer Collis
Have you ever considered teaching English in Costa Rica? With its misty rainforests, dazzling Caribbean and Pacific beaches, and relaxed pura vida lifestyle, it’s no surprise the country continues to be a TEFL hot... -
Why Get TEFL Certified When You Have a Master’s in Linguistics? Lisa, BridgeTEFL Graduate, Explains
By Bridge
Lisa Goddard, 24, is a BridgeTEFL online graduate from Boston, Massachusetts. During her graduate school studies, she decided to teach kids English in Taiwan and spent a year there as part of a... -
Bridge Graduate, Lana, English Teacher in China
By Bridge
Lana is a Third Culture Kid, She was born in Central Mexico to American parents, and lived there until she was about 12 years old, when her family moved to... -
Interview with Carol, Bridge Alumna Volunteering in Cambodia
By Bridge
Carol Duster is a BridgeTEFL graduate who is currently using her credentials by volunteering in Cambodia. Here, Carol tells us about her experiences in Cambodia and offers advice for those... -
Meet Jacquece, Teaching ESL in the USA
By Bridge
My name is Jacquece Moore and I recently got TEFL certified and became a volunteer for the Literacy Council of Montgomery County to help close the gap for people in... -
TEFL Outside the Box: Interview with an Online English Teacher
By Bridge
The field of teaching English as a foreign language is always changing. These days there are not only more and more ways to get TEFL-certified (onsite, online, or a combination... -
Facebook Live Interview with Leah Donelson, Bridge Academic Manager, on the International TESOL Conference
By Kevin Mermel
Last month, Bridge employees attended the 2018 International TESOL conference in Chicago. Here, Alissa Berdahl from BridgeTEFL speaks with BridgeEnglish's Academic Manager, Leah Donelson, during a Facebook Live event, about... -
Teaching the Way I Learned: Strategies of Non-Native English Speaking Teachers
By Krzl Light Nuñes
Non-Native English Speaking teachers (NNESTs) bring unique perspectives to the classroom, which allows them to implement inventive strategies into their lessons. Hear from Bridge teachers from Latin America, Asia, and... -
Teacher Spotlight: Katie Murray Teaching English in South Korea
By Jennifer Collis
With high salaries and great benefits, plus a rich culture and proximity to some of the hottest travel destinations in the world (Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, etc.), South Korea is a... -
Carl Summers, Teacher in South Korea
By Jennifer Collis
Carl, 26, is a TEFLOnline.com graduate from Montreal, Canada, who taught in Jeongeup, South Korea. We asked him some questions about his experience in this popular Asian teaching destination. -
Teacher Spotlight: Johanna in China
By Bridge
Johanna, 18, is a TEFLOnline.com graduate from Düsseldorf, Germany who recently taught in China. We interviewed her to learn more about what brought her to China, how her first ever... -
EFL Teaching Tip: Break Free from Frozen Teaching Techniques
By Bridge
Even experienced teachers can fall into bad habits, using outdated techniques that limit students’ learning experience rather than broadening it. Curriculum expert, Susan Weymouth, shares an EFL teaching tip to... -
TEFLOnline.com Graduate, Linda: Online Teacher and Career Counselor
By Bridge
Linda is a TEFLOnline.com graduate from Boston, Massachusetts, who is currently teaching English online. Linda also works as a Career Counselor for a small non-profit organization based at Boston Medical Center, the largest... -
Interview with Alan Tomko: Teacher in China
By Jennifer Collis
lan Tomko is a TEFLOnline.com graduate who went on to teach English in China. He shares some of his most interesting experiences in the country, including making friends with the help of... -
Teaching English in a Multilingual Classroom
By Jennifer Collis
Have you ever wondered what kind of students you’ll be working with once you have your TEFL certification and are teaching English, either at home or abroad? While you may... -
5 Challenging TEFL Students in Any Classroom and How to Manage Them
By Bridge
Regardless of where your TEFL career lands you, having good classroom management skills will benefit you as a teacher. One aspect of this is recognizing, understanding, and dealing with challenging... -
Teacher Spotlight: Bridge Graduate, Nelly, in France
By Bridge
Nelly Chutaux Bergougnoux completed the 120-Hour BridgeTEFL Online Master Certificate and is currently working as an English teacher in France. She recently got in touch with us to share her “amazing adventure”... -
7 Tips to Avoid Culture Shock When Teaching Abroad
By Bridge
For those who are already working as teachers at home in the U.K, the idea of teaching abroad promises much to the otherwise stressed and under pressure teacher. It can... -
How to Survive Awkward Moments in the TEFL Classroom
By Lorena Siegel
If you thought junior high was embarrassing, just wait until you become a TEFL teacher. The TEFL formula is a magic formula of being in a strange culture, speaking a... -
5 Things You Can Only Do In China
By Kimberly Bird
If you’re ready to head off to Asia to teach English, be prepared to have the time of your life! You’ll be in a new culture where everything is exciting... -
18 Surefire Signs You’re a TEFLer in Chile
By Lorena Siegel
Here’s a little love for our past and present TEFL teachers living in Chile. Because the best things about life in Chile are not on the pages of your travel... -
Journal Your Way to TEFL Success
By Lorena Siegel
Journaling is not just for backpackers and sweet sixteens! In fact, the humble journal can be your best teaching tool in the TEFL classroom. Here at Bridge, we recommend taking... -
EFL Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Etiquette in the Middle East
By Kelly Poindexter
As is the case with any foreign culture, there are rules of manner and acts of faux pas that will be inherent anywhere you go – and you most likely... -
How to Use Pinterest to Plan Your EFL Lessons
By Kelly Poindexter
I’m a very visual person. I need to see something to understand it and often looking at images inspires my creativity. That’s why I love Pinterest. I use it for... -
My First Teaching Job in Costa Rica!
By Jennifer Collis
For those just getting started on their journey toward teaching abroad, it can be helpful to hear from those who have “been there.” My very first TEFL job was in... -
The Value of Volunteering in an ESL Class: My Experience
By Bridge
Have you ever thought about volunteering with an ESL class? It is a great way to practice your intercultural communication skills, learn about other cultures, and gain exposure to... -
How to Teach Classes With Mixed Ability
By Bridge
One common complication in teaching is finding that students of many different skill levels are placed together in our classroom. At times, the moment we pass out a reading comprehension... -
Teaching English in Japan: Catching Up with Kaye McDaniel
By Bridge
This post was written by Matthew Clark Kaye McDaniel was once a BridgeTEFL Bookings Advisor, a TEFLOnline guru, and an avid BridgeTEFL blogger. She worked for Bridge for over a... -
Kicking Butt: Classroom Management Strategies From A Bridge Languages Teacher
By Bridge
Classroom management is one of the most critical components of teaching and an area that both new and experienced teachers are continually faced with. Luckily, there are many classroom management strategies... -
“You’re fascinating to me”: Language Learning through Human Connection
By Bridge
This post was written by Susan Weymouth Language is social. My colleague Joshua Yardley (look for all his great blog posts) recently recommended a brief lecture to me on Ted... -
Technology in TESOL: The Wiki
By Joshua Yardley
It’s widely accepted that student collaboration is an effective tool in the TESOL classroom. Outside of the class, more and more collaboration is done online through the use of wikis.... -
Testing in TESOL Part 3: Authentic Assessment
By Joshua Yardley
The first two parts of this series covered a variety of testing types, but I wanted to give this one its own post: authentic assessment. Why do I feel authentic... -
Testing in TESOL Part 4: Assessing your Assessment
By Joshua Yardley
TESOL test design and administration is no easy task. Ask anyone who has tried. Tests take practice writing and require constant revision. This part of our series on testing in... -
Teaching English Abroad: Top 5 Insider Tips for New TEFL Teachers!
By Jennifer Collis
I thought I was ready for teaching English abroad–but I’ll never forget standing in front of twenty teenaged Moroccan students, role sheet in hand, thinking, “this oughta be good,” as I... -
Testing in TESOL Part 1: A Taxonomy of Tests
By Bridge
Testing in TESOL Part 1: This post is the first part of a five part series on testing in the field of TESOL. There is too much information about TESOL... -
Why to Activate your ESL Students’ Background Schema
By Bridge
In listening and reading lessons with your ESL students, it's crucial to activate your students’ background schema or existing experience on the topic. -
Should I Allow My ESL Students to Use Their Native Language?
By Bridge
Whether to allow ESL students to use their first language in the foreign language classroom often sparks quite fiery debate. While some argue that allowing the first language prevents learners... -
Trouble with Tenses: Teaching the Present Progressive Tense with Current Events
By Joshua Yardley
The progressive aspect is not one that is common in all languages. If your students are not familiar with this concept in their native language, it may take some practice... -
Make Students Remember What They Learn! Inductive vs. Deductive Grammar Teaching in the ESL Classroom
By Bridge
This post was written by Susan Weymouth A key ESL teaching concept is deductive versus inductive learning. Should you begin with a rule (such as a grammar rule concerning the... -
Order Word – Needs Who It?
By Bridge
This post was written by Rachel Spillane Is word order important in the ESL classroom? Do we need to teach our English students the grammar rules related to sentence structure... -
Rethinking How We Teach Culture in the ESL Classroom
By Bridge
This post was written by Matthew Clark Teaching the target culture is a large part of teaching the target language. However, we should be careful that in teaching culture in... -
ESL: Teaching Tenses with Keywords
By Bridge
This post was written by Matthew Clark Are English verbs more difficult to learn or to teach? One way to make the process of teaching tenses easier is to highlight... -
Trouble with Tenses: Teaching EFL Students Simple Past and Past Progressive with Timelines
By Joshua Yardley
Timelines are a tried and true way to help EFL students conceptualize tense and aspect. The following is an example of how a timeline can be used to help students... -
Making Art and Making Language: Tasks for Varied Learning Styles
By Susan Weymouth
Not all students learn in the same ways. Each person brings his own experiences, preferences, and learning style to the classroom. Learning styles have been defined in many ways. Most... -
Trouble with Tenses: Teaching The Past Tense to EFL Students
By Joshua Yardley
As much as some of us try to forget our past, as English teachers we are confronted with it regularly. Teaching the past tense to EFL students can be challenging.... -
Getting Rid of the Jitters: An EFL Teacher’s Guide to Success on the First Day
By Kelly Poindexter
I can still remember the first day that I was introduced to my new English class, a group of 15 or so high-school students in a small town in France.... -
Plagiarism in the EFL Classroom – Right, Wrong or Cultural?
By Bridge
This post was written by Kaye McDaniel Most English-speaking countries put great emphasis on using your own thoughts and ideas and citing the source of those that are not your... -
Handling Mixed-Proficiency EFL Classrooms
By Bridge
This post was written by Matthew Clark No two learners are exactly alike. As English teachers, we should be able to identify these differences and adapt our lessons to suit... -
What’s the Opposite? It Depends! Teaching English Vocabulary with Gradable Opposites
By Bridge
This post was written by Denise Kray. What’s the opposite? It Depends! Before reading, watch this video for more tips on Teaching Vocabulary with Gradable Opposites: What happens when you... -
The Japanese Classroom – What I Learned Teaching English in Japan
By Bridge
This post was written by Laura Greenwood – Guest post by: Marisa Brooks As I prepared for my very first trip to Japan right after college, I tried to do as... -
Part Two: Second Language Learning – How Long Does It Really Take?
By Bridge
This post was written by Laura Greenwood According to language experts, there are five distinct stages a language learner progresses through. We looked at stage names, the general description of...